What you should know about HPV

A group of more than 200 strains of the disease is under discussion when people talk about HPV. Scientists collectively refer to them as "human papilloma virus” because they all have common characteristics. According to these scientists, several types of these strains or even one of them affect people who contract an infection that is caused by the HPV. 
HPV has all the traits that match its definition, hence, it is not a bacterium, and instead, it is a virus. It belongs to the large papilloma virus family, which affects the skin but only on its top layers. Just like all other types of viruses, the HPV Human Papilloma Virus, which comprises of genetic material that has a protective protein layer, is a microscopic agent that causes infections. In its case however, the type of the genetic material is DNA and it survives and replicates by attaching itself to the living cells of human beings, who are living organisms. 

HPV has many more characteristics that people do not know about hence; the need for them to learn more about its effects on human beings, survival, and the way is spreading. 

Information about viruses has only been available since 1898 when the first isolation of an  agent that causes infections whose behavior was different from a bacterium was done by a Dutch microbiologist namely, Martinus Beijerinck. The word virus was the label that this microbiologist gave to the new discovery.
Nowadays, the virus is visible and information about it indicates that an average one is approximately 1/100 times as large as a bacterium of the same size. The various types or strains of the (in greek κονδυλώματα) virus make its identification very difficult. Different strains have different effects on the human body and these effects are experienced in different areas even though they are all related. In addition, the people who contract this virus experience its effects in different ways.
