The nature of HPV2

HPV, which is a virus that belongs to the papilloma virus family that infects human beings, stands for Human papilloma virus. HPV Human Papilloma Virus usually causes infections in the keratinocytes that are on the skin or mucous membranes just like all other papilloma viruses. Although some types lead to the development of warts, which are also known as verrucae, the HPV virus does not usually have symptoms.
In some cases however, it leads to the development of cancers of the penis, vagina, oropharynx, cervix, anus, and vulva. The high risk of developing cardiovascular disease is usually linked to the HPV virus. In addition, a high ratio of oropharyngeal throat cancer that has developed significantly is also because of the 18 to 20 infections that this virus causes. 

Many people wonder if HPV has a cure. Currently, no specific treatment can cure it. However, this viral infection usually clears without any treatment. Although there are many doubts about its effectiveness or side effects, the introduction of the HPV vaccine has been very helpful in the prevention of the infection and its spread in women and men alike. 

Sexual contact that involves the anogenital regions is largely responsible for the transmission of HPV in men who are between 20 and 40 years old. Genital warts usually develop because of the various strains of the HPV virus that are transmitted sexually. Precancerous lesions and invasive cancer may also develop because of constant infections that occur due to high risk (in greek κονδυλώματα) types that differ from those that lead to the development of warts. However, diseases do not usually occur because of these types of infections.
The significance of HPV in most women is short term and temporary. Sixty percent of the infections that this virus causes usually disappear within one year and ninety percent of them clear within two years. However, five to ten percent of the women who contract it are prone to cervical cancer, which can lead to the development of invasive cancer of the cervix, if the infections do not go away within this period.
